Tech Insights

Cyber Security of the United States and the Comprehensive National Cyber security Initiative
By Ned Einsig, Computer Systems Analyst, United States Department of Defense

Cyber security is a critical part of our national security plan in the 21st century. Critical infrastructure...

Do Sellers Deserve Anything Less?

Do Sellers Deserve Anything Less?

By Anthony A. Reynolds, CEO, Altify

“Why is it that sales organizations, the very heart of every growth company, are not as well served with technology as their counterparts in Finance, Human Resources, Marketing, Manufacturing and...

Adapt Fast, Adapt First
By Joanne Moretti, SVP and CMO, Jabil

In a rapidly changing world, it falls to those that provide design, manufacturing and supply chain services to adapt first, to be ready to empower the brands that will change the world to adapt fast....

Can Clinical Registries Close Healthcare Analytics Gaps?
By Joseph Dudas, Division Chair, Enterprise Analytics, Mayo Clinic

Improvement in our health system is sorely needed and analytics may be one of our biggest...

5 Ways the Architecture and Engineering Industry Leverages Technologye
By Bill Kloster, CIO, SEH Inc.

Architecture and engineering firms leverage technology to generate business as their marketplace transforms. Population growth is driving an increasing trend of individuals migrating to megacities...

Are you sick of Shadow IT?
By David Reiss, Principal Consultant - Digital Transformation, Equinox IT

“Shadow IT” means the creation of IT systems without specific approval of the IT team. In the good old days, this was mostly limited to users creating Microsoft Access databases and complex Excel...

From Entities to Interactions: Advent of the Self-Conscious message
By Dhiraj Rajaram, Founder, Mu Sigma

From networking in Information Technology, to the internet, to social networks, to connected cars and to the Internet of Things (IoT), networks have become ubiquitous across all walks of life from...

Who's ready for Blockchain in Finance?
By Garrett Nenner, Executive Fintech SME & FMB Strategist: Lead Project/Product Management

USB celebrated its 22nd birthday this month! The USB (short for Universal Serial Bus) was a game changer when it was introduced. And it is now THE standard for connecting our devices...

Why Process modeling for RPA is a must?
By Venkatachalam Ramanathan, CTO, Newsweek Media group

RPA (Robotic Process Automation) is a targeted solution for optimising human usage on mundane tasks, unlike the unpopular notion of "workforce reduction". If we have to take a precedent from...

IT Critical Success Factors
By Tippu Gagguturu, CIO, Allconnect

IT leaders want to run the IT organization to be a business-focused, cost-effective and well-run IT operation. The IT team must be recognized for its responsiveness, flexibility, and the effectiveness of...

Human interaction in an AI first world; the role of HR in customer engagement
By Steven Van Belleghem, Co-Founder and Board Member, Snackbytes

Someone recently asked me whether I felt employer branding and HR was important in customer experience. My answer to that is a definite yes. In fact, if you want to excel in customer service, it’s...

How Airlines Work?
By Ravinder Pal Singh, Chief Information and Innovation Officer, Vistara

Having been involved in aviation technology for some years now, I wanted to take the time to reflect on how things have evolved in that time and whether there might now be some new ideas of ways to...

DevOps Takes Agile to the Next Level
By Benjamin Rehberg, Partner and Managing Director, The Boston Consulting Group

Agile methodologies have given companies just what they need in the digital era: a collaborative and flexible way to develop software (and even optimize some of their other business functions as well)...

Becoming part of the Strategic Process
By Jim Long, Director of University Information Systems, William Woods University

If you are an IT leader, you don’t need to be told you are valuable to your institution’s strategic process. You see it every day in the news you read, websites you visit, and dozens (100s?) of unsolicited...

Augmented Human
By Ajay Malik, CTO, Lunera

Throughout humanity’s history, people have been exploring approaches to stretch the biological limitations of the human body. We have been creating the means and devices to augment our...

It's Not The Internet of Things, It's The Interim Of Things
By Tom Goodwin, EVP, Head of Innovation, Zenith

When Facebook announced bots last year, within 15 seconds of experimentation, what has for 6 months been widely touted as the replacement for apps, an entire new way to interface with...

How to Stop Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS): Why not try BCP38?
By Mack Coulibaly, CEO, Jighi

I was saddened to see that a Denial of Service (DOS) or a Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attack has brought down Internet services for more than 40 Millions users in the East Coast of the United...

Understanding cyber risk
By Justin Sleight, IT Systems Integration Analyst, Idaho Department of Insurance

All modern organizations face some degree of cyber risk. Cyber attacks over the last several years have been steadily increasing, and have increased in both count and severity very recently...

2 Different CMOs: Enterprise vs. SMB Marketing
By Hugh Jackson

After spending a few months marketing to enterprises with both a field and inside sales team, I have some thoughts on marketing to Enterprise vs SMB and what it means for a CMO...

Addressing the Rise and Fall of Health Care Consumerism Through Technology - Featuring a Case Study by Mt. San Rafael Hospital
By Michael Archuleta, Director IT Services, Mt San Rafael Hospital

Accompanied by the high-deductible health plans and cost sharing models, consumerism has been...

Did Big Data Lead Us Here?
By Shiv Gupta, Sr. Partner, Lippincott

Yes, this is about the current state of politics in America, but rest assured I am not taking a political position on a forum that, gratefully and for the most part, has kept politics at arms length. Rather, as...

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